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Saving energy: farm gate to food plate

A new centre has been set up in the UK, which aims to reduce the energy used across food production, taking a whole system approach. The RCUK Centre for Sustainable Energy Use in Food Chains (CSEF) will examine where and how to make savings in food production:  its research outputs are intended to support energy efficiency policy and contribute to cutting carbon use and GHG emissions. One of its primary research themes is the simulation of energy and resource flows in the food chain, from manufacture and transport of food through to the energetic requirements of refrigeration in supermarkets.

CSEF director Professor Savvas Tassou describes the goals of the centre to engage in ‘fundamental and cutting edge research into approaches and technologies that will have significant energy and emission reduction impact in the long term’.

The centre combines multidisciplinary research groups from the Universities of Brunel, Manchester, and Birmingham with a wider network including industry SMEs.

To read more about the initiative, read the Food Security article here.

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