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WRAP report: How to divide up carbon budgets fairly

Following the publication of Household Food and Drink Waste in the UK 2012 report in November 2014 and the Product Focused report earlier this year, WRAP has now released a new report that is more People Focused

The report explores the relationship between the level of avoidable food and drink waste from households in the UK and factors including socio-demographics, and behaviours relating to food, such as healthy eating and time available for food-related activities.

The 2012 report on household food and drink waste showed that avoidable waste has reduced by 1.1 million tonnes (21%) from 5.3 million tonnes to 4.2 million tonnes since 2007. The reduction, saving UK consumers almost £13 billion over the five years to 2012, is down to millions of consumers doing things differently in the home such as buying the right amounts, storing and freezing foods to keep them fresher for longer and making more use of leftovers. This has been supported by a number of factors including communication initiatives by local authorities and the food industry, and changes to packaging, including clearer date labels by retailers and brands through the Courtauld Commitment.

The Product and People Focused reports provide further analysis of this dataset, generating insights will help WRAP and its partners develop more effective ways to help people waste less food. It shows that – due to the complexity of waste generation – messages, engagement and changes in products, packaging and labelling need to be developed with the specific needs of different groups in mind.

A separate Executive Summary and the full report can both be found here.

Read more about food waste and waste policy on our website.

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