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Fermentation in the alternative protein industry

Fermentation in the alternative protein industry

This report from the non-profit Good Food Institute reviews the current status of fermentation technologies in the alternative protein industry. It covers traditional fermentation (e.g. tempeh, cheese, yoghurt), biomass fermentation (where microbial biomass is used as an ingredient, e.g. the filamentous fungi in Quorn) and precision fermentation (where a specific component is extracted from the biomass, e.g. Perfect Day’s dairy proteins and Impossible Foods’ heme protein).

The figure below presents an overview of fermentation in the alternative protein industry.


Image: Figure 1, Good Food Institute. A conceptual landscape of fermentation-derived and fermentation-enabled products.

Read the full report, State of the Industry Report on Fermentation as a Pillar of the Alternative Protein Industry, here. See also the Foodsource resource How can we reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions?


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