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Blogpost: Solutions for Scaling up Re-Greening

On January 22nd USAID’s  online knowledge sharing platform Agrilinks held a seminar on Scaling-up Re-greening Solutions in Africa to Boost Smallholder Yields. It discussed a recently released report by World Resources Institute (WRI)  on “Improving Land and Water Management”. This blog-post summary of the event discusses the following:

  • What is the latest evidence on yield impacts of these land and water management practices?
  • What is the latest data on income and other benefits from these practices?
  • Where are the opportunities to best scale up these practices?
  • What strategies show the most promise for taking these practices to scale?

Read the full blog-post here and see more information about the seminar here.

You can also find reports and studies on agricultural yield projections and models here, land-use and ecosystems here and finally reports and studies on closing the yield gap here.

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