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Transdisciplinary case studies: Design for food & sustainability

Transdisciplinary Case Studies on Design for Food and Sustainability

This book offers a range of case studies to illustrate how food systems can be designed for sustainability, covering food supply chains, new food experiences such as food robots in restaurants, methods for food and sustainability education, and food community engagement.

Publisher’s summary

Transdisciplinary Case Studies on Design for Food and Sustainability, a volume in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing series, analyses the interconnectivity of sustainability, food, and design, demonstrating the presence of food design in various food-related fields of study. Broken into six parts, the book begins with the theory behind food and design. The following five sections include several case studies highlighting the different forms and applications of food design, including the use of food design in production and distribution, in food and restaurant businesses, in territory-identity, in social food design, and with regard to post-consumption.

Using a case study approach to meet the needs of both academics and practitioners, Transdisciplinary Case Studies on Design for Food and Sustainability includes practical examples to illustrate food system challenges, to explain phenomena, and to build theory.



Massari, S. (2021). Transdisciplinary Case Studies on Design for Food and Sustainability. Woodhead Publishing, Sawston.


Read more here. See also the TABLE explainer How can we reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions?


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