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One planet living - the case for Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Post-2015 development agenda

The report One Planet Living – The case for Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Post-2015 development agenda, a collaboration between Beyond 2015, Bond for International Development, and BioRegional, argues that sustainable consumption and production need to be included in the post-2015 development agenda that will succeed the Millennium Development Goals.

It proposes that each nation take stock of how much they are consuming per capita and compare it with how much they should be consuming for a sustainable, equitable global per capita share. Under this ‘contraction and convergence’ approach, the developed nations would have a target by which to reduce their consumption and emissions, and developing nations would still have some space in which to grow.

The report claims that governments have the greatest power to affect this change through influential new policies and regulations, but that businesses, technology, and individual consumers all have a critical role to play. However since governments often work on a short-term basis and policies can be changed, the report argues that the public and private sectors also have a responsibility to create consumer habits that will result in sustainable, long-lasting change. The report has selected five goal areas that are particularly relevant for sustainable consumption and development and likely to feature as individual post-2015 sustainable development goals:

  1. Ending extreme poverty, reducing inequality, securing social justice
  2. Securing sustainable, clean energy for all with climate protection
  3. Food security, good nutrition and sustainable agriculture and food production
  4. Sustainable water consumption and management, achieving universal access to water and sanitation
  5. Protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services and ensuring sustainable natural resource management.


This paper makes the case for why sustainable consumption and production should be integrated into the post-2015 development agenda, as well as setting out practical proposals for what SCP-related targets might be, divided among the likely themes for post-2015 goals. It is evidence-based, drawing on the latest literature and evidence to explain why achieving sustainable development demands a decisive, global shift to sustainable consumption and production. The paper aims to increase collaboration within civil society and with other actors on this agenda.


Schoon, N., Seath, F., Jackson, L., One Planet Living - The case for Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Post - 2015 development agenda2013, Bioegional

To read the full report, go here. For more information, please contact Laura Jackson,, or You can read further material relating to the inclusion of sustainable consumption and production in the post 2015 agenda on SDGs here.

You can also read more about sustainable consumption here, nutrition here, sustainable development here, and developing nations here.

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